Document Development

Safety SME has many years of experience with many industry groups and environments, and has developed a library of relevant, concise, and useful forms, policies, and procedures. While some are generic and can be utilised “as is”, others are easily able to be customised to your individual requirements and needs.We have extensive experience with developing and implementing OHS management systems which are appropriate for individual clients, and which follow current Australian Standards and comply with OHS legislation.
Our written reports are accurate and authoritative, and contain specific recommendations enabling clients to clearly understand and implement appropriate and timely actions. At the same time they are easy to understand and follow, and do not contain unnecessary information or opinion.

Project Management

SafetySME is proficient at facilitating all aspects of OHS-related project management. This includes design, implementation, and supervision of projects relevant to specific client requirements.
Safety SME is particularly skilled at problem solving and liaising with all levels of management, teams, workforces, and trades, to ensure that projects are accomplished as seamlessly as possible in a timely manner.

Legislation and the Regulator

Safety SME has ex-WorkSafe personnel as advisors and has an intimate knowledge of the way the Regulator operates. Because we maintain a close relationship with WorkSafe, we are often able to achieve a positive outcome when clients are served with Notices, Directions, and PINs. We are able to mediate when disputes arise and have a record of successfully resolving disagreements between clients and WorkSafe inspectors.
The staff of Safety SME are expert at interpreting and simplifying OHS related legislation, standards, and guidance material. We specialise in de-mystifying complicated legal language, while enabling clients to comply with current requirements and achieve best practice outcomes.
We will ensure that clients apply the latest versions of appropriate legislation, avoiding the necessity of them employing a dedicated and expensive in-house capability.

Issue Resolution

Disputes between employees, and employees and management are common in industrial environments, and early resolution is critical to avoid escalation resulting in complicated, drawn-out, and expensive actions. This is particularly relevant in situations involving the threat of a Provisional Improvement Notice (PIN) being issued by a health and safety representative.
Often, seemingly insurmountable OHS-related problems can be resolved by following a recognised issue resolution process. Safety SME are skilled in implementing the issue resolution process which is documented in the OHS legislation, but are also able to facilitate resolving issues which follow appropriate organisational processes. We are able to differentiate between OHS-related disputes and others which may require a different approach to resolve.